​​​SSWCS is based on unceded Kaurna Land. SSWCS acknowledges that the lands on which we live and work on are unceded indigenous Australian lands.
Community Resources
Mainstream Services
Aberfoyle Repair Cafe
Aberfoyle Repair Cafe is run by a group of volunteers who can help you repair your broken or damaged goods, learn new skills, and reduce things going to landfills.
We link people who know how to fix stuff with people who don’t, which fosters a wonderful sense of community.
Anglicare NILS Loan
Anglicare may be able to support with a No Interest Loan where an individual is eligible.
Backpacks 4 SA Kids
Backpacks 4 SA Kids exists to provide resources that contribute to the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people during periods of dislocation from home and routine care.
Four unique programs; each providing packs filled with items unique to the recipient’s age and situation
Catherine House
Supporting women experiencing homelessness. Catherine House provides crisis, longer term accommodation and support services to women experiencing homelessness in South Australia.
Friends with Dignity
A Not For Profit focused on improving the quality of life of any Adult and Child impacted by Domestic Violence through the provision of financial and tangible resources, programs and scholarships and enhancing the personal safety of individuals.
Junction Australia
Offering domestic violence support to women, children and young people living with, or leaving domestic violence in the Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island regions.​
Domestic Violence Services - Junction (junctionaustralia.org.au)
Hidden Disabilities
The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is supporting people living with non-visible disabilities in their communities by raising awareness, training businesses and sharing stories to help create a more inclusive, understanding society.
St Vincent De Paul
We provide support to people living in poverty or seeking assistance through more than 200 programs and services across the country. From emergency housing and homelessness support to disaster recovery.
United Communities
Our services include mediation, and family and relationship counselling, as well as support to reunite young people with their families. We also work with foster carers to provide children with a safe and stable home and those experiencing domestic violence.
Breakfast Bellies
Advocacy for Disability Access and Inclusion
Carers SA
Dylan Alcott Foundation Grant
We’re a charitable organisation that doesn’t just talk about change; we make it happen. Through sport, education, mentorship, and disability advocacy via our foundation initiatives, we empower young Australians living with disability to chase their dreams.
Dylan Alcott Foundation - Helping young Australians with disabilities
Homelessness Connect
Uniting Communities and SYC have joined forces to form Homeless Connect SA, a 24/7 state-wide telephone service for anyone experiencing homelessness in South Australia.
Orange Basket
We take care of everything for you. Order a pickup or drop your washing down at our facility and it’ll feel like fairies are doing the washing for you. Orange basket introduces a contact-free pickup, wash, dry, fold or hang and deliver laundry service for all your clothes and linen. .
Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a free financial education and matched savings program that helps families on a tight budget to gain financial skills, establish a savings goal, and develop long-term saving habits.
Our Saver Plus financial literacy program (thesmithfamily.com.au)
Suicide Safety Planning
You can create your plan by yourself, or you can ask someone for help. Some of these steps might be tough to fill out, and that’s okay.
Thread Together
Thread Together program is driving social and environmental change. We provide people in need with brand-new clothes that would otherwise end up in landfill.
Variety Children's Charity SA
All children should be able to follow their dreams and be the best they can be. Each year, thousands of children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs, get support from Variety the Children’s Charity.